I think these are awesome pics of you. You look happy and you should quit obsessing. It makes those of us who are less forunate seem like trolls. Be a positive role model lol. Christy is probably just ovulating or wants something. Like I don't know. for you to paint her crusty toes or to steal my son. hehe
I assume I am the MUCH older friend...LOL, But I AM young at heart, deary. Did you take your multi-vitamin today?
I think these are awesome pics of you. You look happy and you should quit obsessing. It makes those of us who are less forunate seem like trolls. Be a positive role model lol. Christy is probably just ovulating or wants something. Like I don't know. for you to paint her crusty toes or to steal my son. hehe
damn, I spelled dearie wrong...Gin is so gonna catch that...LOL.
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